Purposeful Parenting

Widowed Wounded and Whole

Widowed Wounded Whole details my journey as a young pastor’s wife whose husband’s seemingly minor sickness ultimately led to his unexpected death. 

It paints the challenges that come with the loss of a spouse, the stigmatization, loss of status, loneliness, insomnia, and a state of near depression. 

It is also a moving account of the faithfulness of God and a confirmation of His promise in Psalm 68:5. This book is for every man or woman who has lost a partner and is seeking testimony of hope, comfort, and answers.

It is a reminder that even in troubled times, God is still good.

About The Book

Parenting is not just an instinct. It is a skill that can be taught and learned. This book shares practical life experiences every parent can use to raise godly seeds in this generation. This book will also help parents develop better relationships with their children. 

The quality of parenting determines the quality of children raised and this has a direct impact on the type of society we will have. One of my greatest contributions to society is the quality of children I have been able to raise.  Purposeful parenting will help you to also raise excellent children. 

It is also a call to action and a guide to everyone around them, the church, and the government.